Windows 10 Maps
Revolutionizing online maps
Redesigned Windows Maps for mobile, tablet, desktop and beyond. Created advanced search capabilities for trip-planning scenarios, improved usability, and ergonomics.
Designed in 2015, it pioneered features that are now common, and others that still have no equal.
Design systems

Learnings from previous design
Celebrate the map, not the chrome
The first version of the app was chrome heavy, with a persistent left panel that occupied space regardless of how much content it contained.
Improve reachability on mobile
Navigation on the mobile app was hard to reach when holding a phone with one hand—important when on the go.
Option 1
Searches build to the right, and cards pop up proximally
Option 2
Searches build vertically, in a persistent position, height relative to amount of content
Revised model
Based on early UR studies, I created a hybrid model where searches build to the right, and populate content in a persistent position—which tested well. We went on to experiment with mobile and tablet layouts.
Early explorations for draw-for-directions and canvas annotations
Final designs
Trip planning scenario: search for hotels and find great ramen nearby
Improved reachability
Key navigation moved to the bottom, and flick/pull gestures allow for easier one-handed use.
Accent color
Active and inactive points of interest designed to support Windows accent colors, including neutral tones.
Full support for light and dark themes.
Map annotation + 3D cities
Annotation persists on map canvas